22 August 2011

Triumph of the City - Edward Glaeser

Cities recently have fallen out of vogue for most of America.  When I think of public opinion about cities it seems they fall into one of three categories: Suburbia (like my hometown of San Jose), Dying (like Detroit), or Playgrounds for the Rich (like New York or San Francisco).  These three views hardly do justice to the power that cities have to improve the lives of everyone.  Bringing to light the benefits to humanity that cities bring is one of the subjects of Edward Glaeser's book: The Triumph of the City.

Triumph of the City by Edward Glaeser
The subtitle of this book outlines the contents of this book well: How our Greatest Invention Makes us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier.  This may be quite counter to the view points of critics who see cities as dark, dirty, havens of crime; but Glaeser backs up his claims effectively and with DATA!  This is because he is an economist, so he doesn't fall into the traps that many architects and planner do when extolling the benefits of city life--which they generally approach from a more vague ideological standpoint.

But how can he make these claims?  Cities make us richer because they are powerhouses of economic activity.  The concentrations of people foster new inventions, competition, and specialization that cannot occur in rural communities.  They make us smarter by connecting people with like minded interests.  People learn best from face to face conversation and experience, and cities are hotbeds for this.  Like the coffee shops of Paris that fostered the arguments that fueled France's philosophical breakthroughs.  They make us greener because people who live in cities consume less energy.  The smaller living spaces require less energy to heat, cool and light.  The proximity of amenities and increased efficiency of public transportation in dense urban areas means residents do not have to drive as much.  They make us healthier because it promotes a healthier lifestyle.  People walk more in cities and they have access to the best hospitals and medical professionals.  The make us happier because they offer amenities that cannot be supported by less dense populations.  Museums, fancy restaurants, and theaters all need a strong clientele to survive and the density of cities provides just that.

It really did not take much to convince me that cities were the way to go, when I read this book.  After all I already believed that cities were the best bet for the advancement of humanity.  But if you believe suburbia or rural life is best (and there are advantages to both) then read this book and it is sure to change your perspective.  Of course, Glaeser does not argue that the other forms of living should be eliminated, but we do need to promote cities, which seems to be at the back of most people's minds. 

If you are like me and believe that cities are already everything he describes in his subtitle, I still recommend this book.  He gives the data that can back up the claims of city life superiority and you might find some benefits of the city that you did not know before.  For example, as bad as conditions are in slums and favelas, he points out that life in these places is much better than their rural counterparts.  They have better wages, better living conditions, and much more social and economic mobility.  Plus, he also includes suggestions on how to improve our cities, how to fight suburban sprawl, and ways to promote city life.  This book is a great read and is full of useful information, and I recommend it for anyone that is interested in cities, thinks cities are bad, and professionals in the design and planning professions alike.

You can check it out on Amazon.com here: Triumph of the City